DIVAS is a unique provider of self motivation mentoring programs for its participants. DIVAS build strong self esteem, self motivation and self-confidence through life experiences. The goal of the program is to identify young women who are in distress and offer a positive support system to avoid any other pitfalls that can derail their lives. The focus is slightly different at each level but the goal remains the same. Empower, Enhance, Enrich and Encourage young women to make positive changes in their lives.

Hi my name is Charnise
and I'm 17 years old.
Before I became a jr.
diva I was the type of
girl that didn't care what
nobody say, I was always
in drama, I hung around
with the wrong crowd. The DIVAS program has taught me
that I need to focus on the things that are important, stay in school, to envision my future and set goals, to seek positive role models/mentors, budget my money , and to keep myself and my personal hygiene in check. The mentors have always been there for me and notice when something is wrong and find a way to help make it right. Without the DIVAS program I would still be the girl that I was before and I thank them for helping me change. DIVAS is like my 2nd family and I am glad to be a jr. Diva.

“I'm a testimonial. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your services.
Let your customers review you and tell their friends how great you are.”
This is a Testimony from one of our Jr. Divas
D.I.V.A.S. is a well needed organization in my
community. It helps guide young ladies into
womanhood. The mentors very straight forward and
sensitive at the same time because they too, have
been through things in life and has overcome them. The trips, group sessions, and workshops that are given teaches me valuable skills that I will u
se throughout my lifetime. The mentors are very connected when it comes to the mentee's. They check up and make sure that every girl is okay and has her essential needs. I also love being a (Jr.) Diva because I can express myself around people. I can meet new people that I can always call on. I think the most extraordinary thing about this non-profit program is the benefits it gives. This program lets you know that each diva is special, is needed and has a calling. They strive to mold the mind into positivity. The longer I am apart of Divas, the more of a family we become. Also its something I am apart of with my sister and it helps us communicate a little more.

Jasmine Jones